The Newsom-Failing-The-State-In-the-General-Election Scenario

Column: California voters don’t like where the state’s headed. But they still want Newsom in office. The reason: his anti-illegal-immigration plan. We take a look at how the most populous state is making up its mind about California’s future.

California, it seems, is the only state that has a state governor who’s not in place as the public face of the state in a presidential election year. What’s left for the other candidates to do?

It’s an opportunity for a campaign manager to take advantage of the lack of choices that the other candidates will have, and what the other candidates should be doing. The campaign manager can pick their candidate of choice, then announce their candidate at their convention. They can make the convention speech so it looks like their candidate won the nomination, and then follow it up by going on a national-candidate bashing tour.

California is in such a strong position right now that Newsom could be the most interesting candidate to see how he actually does in the general election. He’s the most appealing candidate not to have the Republican Party’s nomination locked in.

The campaign manager might go with him to Iowa and Nevada, and then back to California for the final stretch.

He could give their candidate a long tour of the country, and then go on a national-candidate bashing tour.

A campaign manager could then go to the Republican National Convention, where Newsom is the only Republican candidate in sight, and claim that California is the only state that’s the only state that has a state governor who’s not in place as the public face of the state in a presidential election year. The campaign manager would be saying that Newsom has no chance of winning, and then go on a national-candidate bashing tour. The campaign manager might go with him to Iowa and Nevada, and then back to California for the final stretch.They could give their candidate a long tour of the country, and then go on a national-candidate bashing tour.

In this scenario, the campaign manager can run a campaign where they take on everyone and win.

This is the newsom-failing-the-state-in-the-general-election scenario.

The California governor-to-be may not have won the nomination, or won the election, but if Newsom can take the party’s nominee’s place in a presidential campaign, he can also take

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