Why Women Aren’t the Best Role Models

An action spectacle built around true story of female warriors in Afghanistan, featuring the first time that the series has been paired with a female director

There’s been a lot of discussion in recent months about the increasing number of women in Hollywood. It’s a conversation that’s been happening for years, and one that Hollywood seems pretty fond of.

Women in film, it seems, should all have a good role model at the helm of their careers. But what is it about women that creates such an ideal?

The idea that being a woman makes you automatically better or more interesting than anyone else is an old trope that has become commonplace in society, with the corollary that women are only as good as the men in their lives. And it isn’t just the boys who are offended by that notion, either. The vast majority of people who feel that way, and who would rather blame the men than themselves, tend to be of one of the two following types:

• Women who would rather be hated than loved.

• Women who think the men are doing the right thing.

I am the latter, and have had both in my life to an extent. I was raised by a very loving, intelligent, highly accomplished and highly successful mother and father, both of whom were my biggest cheerleaders and role models. I was never given a hard time for my ‘disappearance’ at birth, as my family told me they did not even know I existed until I was 7. There were many times when I felt like I was not living up to anyone’s expectations, and as a result, I was a very unhappy kid, but I also had the benefit of being loved so much by those who mattered in my life that I didn’t feel there was a need for perfectionism in their relationships.

Being a girl made me less of a threat to the male culture around me, and the notion that being a woman made me less of a threat was one

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