The Girl Who’s My Best Friend Is Rachel

‘Still Growing Together,’ a Teenage Crush Leads to Marriage [VIDEO]

It all started because a boy and his friend got separated in the middle of class. And they never caught up.

By David F. Ashton

When I was 12 years old, a kid named Tyler had just taken over the world. He was a star athlete, beloved by everyone. And so popular, in fact, that he was invited into a couple of my middle school classes.

Tyler: “I’m Tyler, I’m a super athlete. I’m in the top 50 of our class, and I’ve got a good chance of winning the state title.”

Me: “So what are you doing over here?”

Tyler: “I’m over here just hanging out. There’s a girl over here, too, and she’s in my class.”

Me: “So who’s your girl?”

Tyler: “She’s the girl who’s in my grade and she’s my girlfriend, but she’s over here.”

Me: “Wow, okay, so who’s her best friend?”

Tyler: “Her best friend is Rachel.”

Me: “So Rachel is your girlfriend.”

Tyler: “Rachel is my girlfriend.”

Me: “So whose are you over here?”

Tyler: “I’m over here, like, hanging out, I just thought Rachel was over here with me.”

Me: “Wow, okay, so Rachel is your girlfriend.”

Tyler: “She’s Rachel, and she’s my girlfriend, but she’s over here. Like, she’s hanging out with me.”

Me: “So what’s her name?”

Tyler: “Hey, her name’s Kate, and she’s my girlfriend.”

Me: “So who’s Kate’s best friend?”

Tyler: “Kate’s best friend is Rachel.”

Me: “So

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